Staff Parish Relations Committee

The Staff Parish Relations Committee

This committee builds a positive relationship between staff and congregation so that the congregation makes disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

The committtee consists of six members who have agreed to serve a three year term. The pastor serves on this committee along with the current lay leader.


Responsibilities of the Committee

  • The committee meets at least quarterly.   Additional meetings can be called at the request of the bishop, the district superintendent, the pastor, or any other person accountable to the committee or the chairperson of the committee. 
  • This committee communicates openly and regularly with the pastor), staff, and congregation.
  • In consultation with the pastor and with awareness of the strategy of the church leadership team, this committee recommends needed staff positions and develops and approves written job descriptions and evaluation processes for staff.
  • This committee recommends compensation, travel, housing, and other financial matters to the church council through the finance committee.
  • This committee provides an annual evaluation of the pastor(s) and other staff for ongoing effective ministry.


Committee Members

Wayne Mowry, Chair


Gail Berkheiser

Ed Dowell


Jolayne Flaherty

Wayne Mowry - Chair


Connie Zonick

Wade Fox


Pastor Pete Beevers (ex-officio)

Lay Leader/member: Curt Bryant