Add an Angel!

Please help us in our efforts to send a message to some special people through our outreach ministry.  We're addressing all ages from children to seniors! The message is simple: " You are a part of the family of God.  Merry Christmas from the Bull Shoals Methodist Church family."

It's easy to do.   No one has to shop and ANY amount is appreciated.  Check out the tree in the Horton Parlor.  

1.  Take an envelope from the tree. 

2. Fill in the form with your name and address if you wish. Place your donation (check or cash) in the envelope.

3. Checks should be written to Bull Shoals United Methodist Church. Please note on the memo line: For ANGEL or ANGEL Ministries.  

4. Put the envelope in the offering plate or take it by the church office Tues - Wed. 9 AM-4 PM.

5.  We would like to have donations by Dec 10th but we will be happy to receive donations through Dec. 24th.

For each envelope returned we will add an angel to the tree.  Let's fill the tree with angels!  

We can always use volunteers to shop, wrap and deliver!

Contact:  Jane Mowry, Outreach Chair, 870-404-4058 or